Hello! This is a paragraph! Paragraphs are defined by the `p` tag. In HTML, a paragraph is a container for a singular block of text. By default, browser will insert space before and after each paragraph, separating one from another.
This text is ** NOT ** contained within any HTML element. When viewed in the browser, this text may look the same as text contained inside a `p` tag, but there are many ways in which it is very different. For one, even though we have several line breaks between this sentence and the previous in our text editor (Sublime Text), when we view it in the browser, both sentences, and all these words, will f l o w together as if there were no space between them.This is another paragraph ...
and another ...
and another.
Sometimes we want to insert a break in the text without starting an entirely new paragraph. We can use the line break tag to do that.
The line break tag is the same as a soft return (shift+return)
and will drop the following text to a new line inside the same paragraph.
You can also use the `br` tag to add vertical space.
We would like to style our text, right??? There are also tags for that. HTML has tags for making bold, italic, or emphasized text. We can also create underlined and struck out, or deleted text.
You can put links inside paragraphs, like this. You can also put images inside links:
We can use form elements in a decorative way, like Alexi Shulgin. Some types of form elements include buttons, input fields and checkboxes.